Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Making a menu for the week(A tip my Mama taught me)

Everyone knows it's cheaper to eat at home but life is sometimes hectic and often the idea of what to cook each night can be stressful. This is where a menu for the week comes in handy. You don't have to follow it to the T(by having exactly what you've written for a particular day) but it's a great way to save money at the store and make meal planning a lot simpler.
I know if I don't have a menu I spend a lot more money at the store. Meal planning is also a great way to get your family involved by asking for suggestions. My planning begins on each Thursday when the grocery ads come out. I circle items that are on sale that I know I will need for the week. You can design each meal according to the time you have as some of you are involved in outside activities. On those particular nights you can have a One Dish wonder or soup night.I love making the menu for the week..It empowers me !

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